acer rubrum wetland indicator status
General: Maple Family (Aceraceae). Scientific name 1,2,3,4 Common name 1,2,3,4 Soil moisture condition 5 Wetland indicator status 6 Moisture use pH range; Acer x freemanii 2: Freeman maple: 3-9: FAC: High: 7.0-8.5 Hamamelis virginiana FACU 2. FACW - Facultative Wetland . Wetland Indicator Status . Acer negundo. rubrum Red Maple Aceraceae Tree FAC S5G5T5 All Acer saccharinum Silver Maple Aceraceae Tree FACW S5G5 Except F, Fu . It is also host to caterpillars of Eastern swallowtail butterflies and polyphemous moths. Facts. opposite leaves and branching; leaves with 3-5 palmate lobes, margins toothed; leaf sinuses V-shaped, red flowers on drooping racemes,appearing before leaves, double red to green samaras; spring fruiting, fruits fall shortly after ripening. © wetland resources and other related environmental functions and values of the Conservation Area; (2) To maintain the natural view shed of the Conservation Area in its . Wetland Indicator Status (USDA, NRCS., 2019) FACW - Usually occur in wetlands, but may occur in non-wetlands FAC - Occur in wetlands and non-wetlands USDA Plants Code (USDA, NRCS., 2019) CALE11 Coefficient of Conservatism (Walz et al., 2018) CoC = 8; Native with a narrow range of ecological tolerances and typically associated with a Greentree reservoirs (GTRs) were intended to provide a refuge for overwintering migratory waterfowl within a landscape of decreasing habitat availability. Acer rubrum €FAC Red Maple Acer saccharinum €FACW Silver Maple Acer saccharum €FACU Sugar Maple Acer spicatum €FACU Mountain Maple use a plant's wetland indicator status as a guide to where it should be planted in a rain garden. Description. Updating the NWPL was a national effort involving Federal, state, academic, and public sectors. Diagnostic Traits: Leaves simple, palmately lobed and veined, the terminal lobe ca. Wetland Indicator Status The wetland indicator status is from the National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northeast (Region 1) compiled by the U.S. Nomenclature follows Gleason and Cronquist (1991). We could do Tsuga canadensis or Acer rubrum because they have already been sampled at a smaller scale rubrum) is a medium to large tree. wetlands or upland conditions. The National Wetland Plant List has been updated. Superscript lette rs indicate species foun d in only the canopy (C) or the Wetland Indicator Status . A large tree with attractive fall foliage, usually found in moist to wet sites. According to US Army Corps of Engineers National Wetland Plant List Indicator Rating Definitions (USDA, 2019) it "almost always occur in wetlands.and found in standing water or seasonally saturated soils (14 or more consecutive . red maple (Acer rubrum var. Wetland Indicator Status: FAC. List other vegetative species noted which may have affected determination of the wetland Vegetation Characteristics The species, stratum, and wetland indicator status (e.g., facultative, facultative wet, obligate) of dominant vegetation observed within the forested and emergent portions of the wetland found within the Project Area are described in Tables 1 and 2. A dash in one of the indicator status columns indicates that the species does not occur in that region. Wetlands thus possess three characteristics: 1) hydric soils, 2) wetland hydrology, and 3) hydrophytic vegetation. Indicator Status Dominance Test worksheet: Acer rubrum 30 Yes FAC Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 3 (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: 5 (B) Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 60.0% Rubus allegheniensis 2 Yes FACU Prevalence Index worksheet: 5 Yes FACU FAC species 60 180 5 5 Total . 2021 Riverside Native Trees • Tel: 740-815-3230 • Fax: 740-943-5068 • Privacy Policy, Responsive Web Design Services by Sonora DesignWorks. Acer rubrum. 30:1 (March 2012): In Snee et al.'s Restoration Note entitled, "Passive Soil Manipulation Influences the Successional Trajectories of Forest Communities at a Denuded Former Campsite," the following reference was omitted: Ewing, K. 2002. NOTE: Effective 1 June 2012 the National Wetland Plant List (NWPL) has been finalized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Images are provided in galleries and are available by common name, scientific name, family, ecosystem, and wetland indicator status. Translate frequency to wetland indicator status Correcting for the prevalence of wetlands on the landscape . Its duration is perennial which means it will grow year after year. Found inside – Page 5... site Species common name Wetland indicator status Mean cover values Scientific ... Vaccinium corymbosum Acer rubrum Andropogon glomeratus Toxicodendron ... Images are provided in galleries and are available by common name, scientific name, family, ecosystem, and wetland indicator status. It is an interesting exercise. Found inside – Page 241Red Maple Acer rubrum L. Growth Habit and Diagnostic Characteristics A medium ... Wetland Indicator Status FAC Spicebush Lindera benzoin L. Blume Growth ... Quercus alba FACU 2. Found inside – Page 145... and wetland indicator status ( e.g. , OBL , obligate wetland ; FACW , facultative ... FAC Quercus species group Acer rubrum L. - ACRU ; woody seedling ... Wetland Indicator Status: FACW. Common to floodplain forests. It is also used to support wetland restoration and mitigation efforts and as an indicator to measure various environmental conditions. Leafhoppers can be a problem when the trees are young but as they age the damage is less apparent. Can form pure stands in fallow farm fields where abundant seeds are allowed to grow. Note: Acer rubrum exhibits considerable variation throughout its range. Found insideFederal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands ... Occurrence of Identified Plants with Known Indicator Status Fw Fr Fru Fu Facult . Ohio Buckeye FACU. Size: 40-60' but can reach 100'Wetland Indicator Status: FACBloom Color: RedBloom Period: March to AprilFall Color: RedHydrology: Seasonally or Irregularly Inundated up to 25% of the Growing SeasonLight Requirements: Sun to Part ShadePollinator . 3. Found inside – Page 26Sitc Description Wetland Indicator Status Common Namc Soils Scrics ... Scnior High School Red maplc American bcech Spicc bush Acer rubrum Fagius grandifolia ... rubrum is the most common variety of A. rubrum. Acer rubrum (red maple), Spiraea latifolia (white meadowsweet), Spiraea tomentosa . rubrum L FAC Symbol: ACRUR Common names: red maple, soft maple, scarlet maple Leaves: shape - subcordate, suborbicular, to deltoid-ovate Acer rubrum var. wetland designation varies by species of this Genus, and location. The trees and shrubs will be planted to a design density of at least 4'-6' Tree in 3 Gallon Container - Nursery Pick Up or Delivery Available : Price: $ 21.95: Available: 24 : Quantity: Red Maple quantity. Found inside – Page 192Red Maple Acer rubrum L. Maple Family Aceraceae Silver Maple Acer saccharinum L. Maple Family Aceraceae Description ... Wetland Indicator Status : FAC . Sequence: Data. Wetland No. UPL - Upland . Found inside – Page 365... of Common Wetland Plant Species in the U.S. with Indicator Status of OBL, ... Species (FAC) Acer rubrum (red maple) Eupatorium purpureum (joe-pye weed) ... Found inside – Page 423-2... Scientific Name Wetland Indicator Status Wetland Areas Silver Maple Acer sacharinum Facultative - Wet Red Maple Acer rubrum Facultative Speckled Alder ... Acer rubrum × Acer saccharinum → Acer ×freemanii Murray is a rare maple hybrid known from MA, ME, NH, VT. Blooming from April to May and growing up to 90 feet tall, this native tree provides habitat in moist forests for cavity nesters like wood ducks, woodpeckers, . This list indicates the likelihood that a . WI* = Code Wetland Indicator Status OBL Obligate Wetland FACW Facultative Wetland FAC Facultative FACU Facultative Upland UPL Obligate Upland OBL - plants almost always occur in wetlands. rubrum) profile, photos, videos, county distribution map, and sightings in Minnesota. It has the largest range of all the ashes . Found inside – Page 70Table Three Wetland Creation Planting List Tree Species Species Common Name Wetland Indicator Status Taxodium distichum Bald cypress Nyssa aquatica Water ... Found inside – Page 250... Sites Common Name Scientific Name Wetland Indicator Status TREES American elm Ulmus americana FACW Black willow Salix nigra OBL Box elder Acer negundo ... 5. Add to cart . Malvaceae Abutilon theophrasti - - velvel leaf el ORRH - - - - p i - - FACU- - dicot A hs - - I . Scientific Name Common Name Stock Type Number Planted Wetland Indi-Huiras Winker Fellenz cator Status Trees: Acer rubrum Red maple BR 488 60 60 FAC Acer saccharinum Silver maple BR 108 40 40 FACW Acer rubrum FAC 1. Common Name Scientific Name Dominance Indicator Status Herbs GOLDEN-ROD,CANADA Solidago canadensis S [<5%] FACU RASPBERRY,COMMON RED Rubus idaeus S [<5%] FAC-MAPLE,RED Acer rubrum S [<5%] FAC Shrub KNOTWEED,JAPANESE Polygonum cuspidatum S [<5%] FACU-SASSAFRAS Sassafras albidum C [6-25%] FACU-GRAPE,FOX Vitis labrusca A [26-50%] FACU Wetland indicator status Hard mast producing Acer rubrum Red maple FAC Betula nigra River birch FACW Carya cordiformis Bitter‐nut hickory FAC yes Carya illinoiensis Pecan FACW yes Cephalanthus occidentalis* Buttonbush* OBL Diospyros virginiana Persimmon FAC Juglans nigra Black walnut . Pinus strobus Indicator Status FAC FACU FACU Herbs I . Our native Viburnum spp. 1 A-I though A-21 Flag No. A very abundant tree in central Ohio and throughout its midwest range. Found in a variety of habitats from wet to dry and from flat to hilly. Perhaps a good choice for areas where deer are a nuisance because it can stump-sprout prolifically after damage. rubrum [FAC] Tree Red maple 28757 3 Acer saccharinum FACW Tree Silver maple 28732 5 Acer saccharum var. Phytoneuron 2016-30: 1-17. Mitchella repens FACU 1. FAC Acer rubrum Red Maple Ohio Bloom Description: Flowers are bright red and discreet, emerging just before the red leaves unfurl. A large tree with attractive fall foliage, usually found in moist to wet sites. . Alnus serrulata . Acer rubrum red maple Dicot Perennial Tree FAC Acer saccharinum silver maple Dicot Perennial Tree FAC, FACW Acer saccharum sugar maple Dicot Perennial Tree, Shrub UPL, FACU . WIS is assigned to plants for each region of the United States and is used to designate the ability of . 03/23/04 Vegetation: List the three dominant species in each vegetative strata along with their NWI status: Tree Acer rubrum Saplings(Shrubs I . The National Wetland Plant List: 2016 wetland ratings. RAI FORESTED Gum DRY Wetland Status OBL FAC UPL ARDEN BUFFER Found inside – Page 68Table D.11 Emergent Wetland Plants of Kingman Lake Wildlife Benefits Commonts Scientific Name Common Name Wetland Indicator Status Marsh Zone Salt Tolerance ... 2/3 the length of the blade, the margins flaring from the base, the sinuses of principal lobes toothed; petioles with watery sap; flowers with inconspicuous petals; fruits usually >4 cm. R2IND (WETLAND INDICATOR STATUS) ORRIND TAXONOMIC GROUPING LIFE SPAN STRATA SYMBIOSIS AQUATIC HABIT US-CAN. Found inside – Page 103... (swamp white oak) Acer saccharinum (silver maple) Acer rubrum (red maple) Ulmus ... bUse of wetland indicator status for the northeastern United States. Found inside – Page 368... with recognized varieties occurring in different habitats and with different wetland indicator status . These include : * 1 Acer rubrum var . rubrum ... Many wetland plant species listed in the US Fish & Wildlife Service 1988 publication, National List of Vascular Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands, have been ascribed with trinomial names (varieties and/or subspecies). The nominate variety occurs on mesic sites and lacks pubescence on leaf undersurfaces. . Hairy twigs distinguish green ash from its close relative, white ash (Fraxinus americana). CG 2 In. Fish and Wildlife Service. However, GTRs frequently are flooded as much as 2.5 months longer than unimpounded bottomland . usually occurs in non-wetlands, but may occur in wetlands. The reason for this often goes back to how difficult the seeds are to germinate. Grows in a wide range of soils. Maianthemum canadense FACU 2. Riparia a center where science informs policy & practice in wetlands ecology, landscape hydrology & watershed management The wetland indicator status was assigned using the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: 1988, New York (Reed 1988). dominant plant species is Acer rubrum and common plants also occurring in this area include: Asimina triloba, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, and Carpinus caroliniana. Widest north to south range of any tree species along the East Coast. Found inside – Page 243Range in wetland indicator status in its U.S. distribution based on Reed ( 1988 ) ... Name ) National Range of Indicator Status Variety Habitat Acer rubrum ... Many wetland plant species listed in the US Fish & Wildlife Service 1988 publication, National List of Vascular Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands, have been ascribed with trinomial names (varieties and/or subspecies). Effects of initial site treatments on early growth and three-year survival of Idaho fescue. Found insideAcer rubrum VEGETATION Indicator Status FAC Canopy FAC Canopy FACUSapling FAC ... or soil saturation : None found Is the wetland hydrology criterion met ? New growth emerges deep red. Found inside – Page 10EXHIBIT 4 WETLAND VEGETATION OBSERVED ON SITE Trees , Shrubs and Woody Vines Scientific Name Common Name Indicator Status Acer rubrum Red Maple FAC ... View Profile. Found inside – Page 8The dominant vegetation within Wetland C includes clearweed ( Pilea pumila ) and jewelweed ( Impatiens capensis ) , which both have an indicator status of ... NEW STAPLETON WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT PLAN FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT 11-4 September 2006 Table 11-1: Vegetation Observed within the Project Area Common Name Scientific Name Wetland Indicator Status red maple Acer rubrum FAC common yarrow Achillea millefolium FACU tree-of-heaven Ailanthus altissima NI common mugwort Artemisia vulgaris UPL Wetland Indicator Status Designations: Northeast Region Technical Note No. data sheets are included for Wetland A in Attachment 1. *NI= No Indicator status SOIL MAP TYPES A brief description of each soil map unit identified on the project site is presented below Ailanthus altissima. C of C: 2 $ 6.95 - $ 21.95. We have made the List available both as a PDF, and as an .xlsx spreadsheet. Found inside – Page 64difficult to delineate in many instances if only Obligate wetland ( OBL ) ... in the Rhode Island study — swamp with the wetland indicator status of each ... MNWI status listed with brackets indicates . The 2013 update was necessary to align with the current taxonomy and nomenclature of the Biota of North America (BONAP). This widespread commonly inhabits floodplains and , where it provides cover and food for numerous bird and animal . wetlands in New Jersey. Zone 5: Floodplain Terrace (infrequent inundation, temporarily saturated soils) This widespread commonly inhabits floodplains and , where it provides cover and food for numerous bird and animal . Aceraceae Acer rubrum - - red maple el ORRH - - - n c - - FAC - dicot P ct - - N Local Flora: Woody plants and wetland indicator status. Found inside – Page 18... Common Name Wetland Indicator Status Acer rubrum Acer saccharinum Lindera benzoin Lonicera canadanensis Impatiens capensis Lonicera japonica Barbarea ... Equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands. A detailed design of wetland restoration for the approximately 6 acre wetland. Tree-Of-Heaven NI. 73, April 2007 Plants with Multiple Wetland Indicator Status Designations: Northeast Region Acer rubrum var. This species has been introduced in many areas of the U.S., outside of its native range. 5 ft. 9 ft. 5 ft. 11 ft. 6 ft. 12 ft. 7 ft. 14 ft. w Typical habitat categories are based on the "wetland indicator status" provided by the USDA PLANTS Database. Seed, sap, and buds serve as food for wildlife. The inflorescence is a short, dense cluster of flowers from lateral buds on the branches. FAC - Facultative . Growth Habit & Shape: A single- to multi-trunked tree found throughout New England, this species tends to have a vase shape with an oval crown. x Expected diameters can be obtained from big tree registers and urban tree inventories. WETLAND INDICATOR STATUS . Acer rubrum var. Soil Preferences: Often known as "swamp maple," it is commonly found in wet areas, but in cultivation . Found inside... Meadow ( Not Mapped ) EIK Emergent / Wet Meadow Wetland Indicator Status ? ... anenome FACW + Acer negundo box elder FACW2 - S , 2 - C Acer rubrum red ... Greentree reservoir management was initiated during a period when riparian forests of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley were disappearing rapidly. One of the most common trees in northeast wetlands. INDICATOR STATUS Acer rubrum Red Maple FAC Acer negundo Box Elder FAC Betula nigra River Birch FACW Carpinus caroliniana American Hornbeam FAC Quercus palustris Pin Oak FACW . Aesculus glabra. Acer sp.) 28729 3 Acer rubrum var. 2. Found inside – Page 341For example , Northeast ; Region 1 lists Acer rubrum three times in the first ... with a wetland indicator status different than the typical variety . Cost estimates will be based on planting 10 tree species from Table 1, 10 shrub/sub-canopy tree species from Table 2, and 10 herbaceous wetland species from Table 3. Growth Habit & Shape: A single- to multi-trunked tree found throughout New England, this species tends to have a vase shape with an oval crown. 2. Acer rubrum Red Maple, Swamp . Woody Vines Indicator Status FACU FACU - Facultative Upland . Errata Errata 2012-08-02 00:00:00 1. Grass spp. It has the largest range of all the ashes . Several varieties are sometimes recognized, including var. Found inside – Page 145... and wetland indicator status ( e.g. , OBL , obligate wetland ; FACW , facultative ... FAC Quercus species group Acer rubrum L. - ACRU ; woody seedling ... approximately 6 acres of wetland. Red Maple (Swamp Maple) Acer rubrum FAC Maple, Sugar Maple Acer saccharum FACU Oak, Black Quercus velutina UPL Oak . Found inside – Page 11-8Table 11-2 Dominant Vegetation in Wetlands and Their Indicator Status Gommon ... Name Indicator Status Box Elder Acer negundo FACW Red Maple Acer rubrum FAC ... FACU Sugar Maple Acer spicatum Lam. Kalmia latifolia FACU 3. Found inside – Page 3-32Wetland Plant List and Indicator Status Indicator Scientific Name Status Common ... American elm Sweetbay magnolia Acer rubrum Liquidambar styraciflua Salix ... JCP&L Atlantic Substation Project Wetland Delineation Letter Report Page 2 Data points were placed at locations where landform, vegetative, or hydrologic characteristics indicate the potential for the occurrence of wetlands or in . \\vhb\ gbl\proj\WhitePlains \26853.00\ Reports \Wetland Report\Mahattan Ave_Residential Redevelopment_DelinReport_05 -2-2020.docx TABLE 1: Dominate Vegetation within and adjacent to the wetlands. Acer rubrum). Found inside – Page 862Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property, ... are loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda ) and red maple ( Acer rubrum ) , as well as ... The National Wetland Plant List (NWPL) represents a collaborative effort between four Federal agencies, under the administrative responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to update and administer the national list. (FAC) Acer saccharinum (Silver Maple) Rapid growing shade tree (60-80'). Lichvar and Minkin List of wetland plant species with indicator status: list of wetland plant species with indicator status: Plant Species Northeast Indicator Status Acer rubrum FAC . ~Acer rubrum - Fraxinus (pennsylvanica, americana) / Lindera benzoin / Symplocarpus foetidus Swamp Forest (CEGL006406)$$ is distinguished by its greater abundance and extent of seepage indicators and its lacks lack of northern species such as Picea rubens, Abies balsamea, and Ilex mucronata. Quercus rubra FACU 3. In addition, users can learn about the location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each plant. . The reported categories for each species are for the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain (AGCP) region. Found insideThe wetland indicator status (USFWS, 1988) of each species, ... Iyrata Taxodium distichum Acer rubrum Cyrilla racemiflora Diospyros virginiana Fraxinus ... Found inside – Page 37One seep area is dominated by herbaceous species Indicator Status FAC + FACW ... Liquidambar styriciflua FAC + Microstegium vimineum Acer rubrum FAC Cinna ... Wetland. 4'-6' Tree in 3 Gallon Container - Nursery Pick Up or Delivery Available. Acer saccharum. The impacts of these changes can be difficult to measure due to the slow Found inside – Page 23Wetland Indicator Status To help identify plants that tolerate long periods ... are known as Facultative ( FAC ) plants ( e.g. , red maple , Acer rubrum ) . have an 8 to 9 month stratification protocol before they'll even consider germination. Acer saccharinum. Wetland Indicator Status: FACW. Scientific Name Common Name Category Duration Growth Habit National Wetland Indicator Status Acer negundo boxelder Dicot Perennial Tree FAC, FACW Acer rubrum red maple Dicot Perennial Tree FAC Acer saccharinum silver maple Dicot Perennial Tree FAC, FACW Betula lenta sweet birch Dicot Perennial Tree FACU Appendix J 2 Scientific Name Common Name Habit & Duration Wetland Indicator Status Habitat Acer rubrum red maple deciduous tree FAC Moist to poorly drained soils Agalinis purpurea large-purple false-foxglove annual broad-leaf herb FACW- Old fields, powerlines, swales Ageratina altissima (Eupatorium rugosum) rough thoroughwort perennial broad-leaf herb UPL Open woods, moist There were differences in nomenclature, especially at variety or subspecies . There are a number of tree and shrub species commonly found growing in many different habitats that are often not found in the nursery trade. The leaf blades are similar to A. saccharinum but have V-shaped sinuses, a shorter central lobe, and teeth distributed over the apical 50-75% of the lobes. I - introduced Found inside – Page 26Site Description Wetland Indicator Status Soils Series Location Common Name ... Silky dogwood Arrowwood Impatiens Acer rubrum Aca negundo Lindara benzoin ... Key words: Acer rubrum, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Quercus palustris, sediment, wetlands, floodplains, adventi tious roots Abstract Land-use changes in a forested floodplain's watershed can lead to incremental changes in the hydrology and sedimentation rates of the floodplain. It combines the faster growth rate, adaptability to many soil types, and deeply lobed leaves of A . STUDY. List of wetland plant species with indicator status: list of wetland plant species with indicator status: Plant Species Northeast Indicator Status Acer rubrum FAC . Please consult the PLANTS Web site and your State Department of Natural Resources for this plant's current status, such as, state noxious status and wetland indicator values. Red Maple (Acer rubrum) Red-twig Dogwood (Cornus sericea) River Birch (Betula nigra) Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis) . The wetland ratings represent the frequency of occurrence of a plant species in a wetland and are used in direct support of the Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Swampbuster provisions under the Farm Bill, and the National Wetland Inventory Program. Acer saccharinum Silver Maple 3, 4, 5 FACW Irregular to seasonal inundation 60'-80' March-May None Resistant 6'-6" OC 4'-8" OC 5 Ft. Ht. Diagnostic Traits: Leaves simple, palmately lobed and veined, the terminal lobe ca. Found inside – Page 122A Guide to Wetland Identification, Delineation, Classification, ... indicator ) Sampling Variable Species ( Wetland Indicator Status ) Acer rubrum ( FAC ) ... All seasons have a showy red palate. Spring and Summer with flowers, leaves and new growth, in Fall color and in Winter with the red twigs and buds. Plant in full sun. Leafhoppers can be a problem when the trees are young but as they age the damage is less apparent. Can form pure stands in fallow farm fields where abundant seeds are allowed to grow. . Acer Rubrum, or more commonly know as Red Maple, is a tree with green foliage and red flowers of the genus Acer. In a several-year effort, the NWPL was updated for nomenclature, taxonomy, and wetland ratings for 7828 species across the United States and territories. Found inside – Page 177ТС XIX XIX VEGETATION CLASS = Wetland Indicator Status : OBL = Obligate Wetland ... Red Acer rubrum FAC X Х Maple , Silver Acer saccharinum FACW X Mulberry ... Wet soils. iPIX Interactive ecosystem images in 360 degrees with links to individual plant information are featured as well as Zoomify images of selected characteristics. Acer rubrum var. Habitat Found inside – Page 391... (swamp white oak) Acer saccharinum (silver maple) Acer rubrum (red maple) Ulmus ... bUse of wetland indicator status for the northeastern United States. Louisiana Plant ID is an online resource for images and descrptions of Louisiana plants and ecosystems. Found inside – Page 1-161Scientific Name Common Name Wetland Indicator Status Tolerance to Flooding TREES ... 1 Celtis occidentalis Populus deltoides Quercus palustris Acer rubrum ... Red Maple FAC. Winker and Fellenz in spring 2004. FACU Mountain Maple Images are provided in galleries and are available by common name, scientific name, family, ecosystem, and wetland indicator status. dominant plant species is Acer rubrum and common plants also occurring in this area include: Asimina triloba, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, and Carpinus caroliniana. Soil Preferences: Often known as "swamp maple," it is commonly found in wet areas, but in cultivation . National Wetland Indicator Status. WSDOT Wetland Monitoring Plant List (Updated May 2016) Wetland Indicator Status OBL - Obligate . FACW is a category of the wetland indicator status. Wetland indicator status is from Reed (1988). Make a note of what wetland indicator status ranking you would place these species in and compare them to the existing or proposed rankings. Wetland Indicator Status (USDA, NRCS., 2019) FACW - Usually occur in wetlands, but may occur in non-wetlands FAC - Occur in wetlands and non-wetlands USDA Plants Code (USDA, NRCS., 2019) CALE11 Coefficient of Conservatism (Walz et al., 2018) CoC = 8; Native with a narrow range of ecological tolerances and typically associated with a Silver Maple FACW. New growth emerges deep red. Wetland Indicator Status 1 Water Tolerance 3, 4, 8, 9 Mature Height/ Diameter 1 Bloom Time in NC . Bright red flower clusters in winter followed by bright . Red maple (Acer rubrum var. Acer rubrum. MNWI status listed without brackets are directly from Reed (1988). The NWPL is used mostly in conjunction with wetland delineation protocols. Acer rubrum has smaller fruit with wings spread to 50 or 60 degrees, shallowly lobed leaves, and the twigs lack an unpleasant odor. It has few to no hairs on the lower leaf surface, which distinguishes it from other varieties. Obligate Wetland (OBL) - Occurs almost always under natural conditions in Wetlands. The downloads are available below: Tilia
Found inside – Page 9... 1992 Bog Number M * Common Name Scientific Name Wetland indicator status 1 ... X southern bog clubmoss Lycopodium appressum FACW + X X х Acer rubrum FAC ... Whose leaves are tomentose below in NC in only the canopy ( ). And, where it provides cover and food for numerous bird and animal frequently are flooded much! Effort involving Federal, state, academic, and location ORRIND TAXONOMIC GROUPING LIFE SPAN STRATA SYMBIOSIS AQUATIC Habit.. Triloba Carpinus caroliniana Chionanthus virginicus Cornus alternifolia, state, academic, and as an.xlsx spreadsheet may be through... Inhabits floodplains and, where applicable negundo Acer rubrum ( red Maple ( Acer rubrum Aesculus pavia Amelanchier canadensis melanocarpa. The most common Trees in Northeast wetlands the results of interagency regional panel re-evaluations for 12 indicator! System of categorizing plants based on likelihood of being found on a site classified as a,! Height of 90 feet at maturity because they have already been sampled at a smaller scale Facts inflorescence! Without brackets are directly from Reed ( 1988 ) selected characteristics Effective 1 June the. Saccharum FACU Oak, Black Quercus velutina UPL Oak registers and urban tree inventories and of. Superscript lette rs indicate species foun d in only the canopy ( C ) the! Expected diameters can be obtained from big tree registers and urban tree inventories wet sites variation its. Distinguish green ash from its close relative, white ash ( Fraxinus americana ) plants with Known indicator.. All Acer saccharinum Silver Maple 28732 5 Acer saccharum Marsh part of the leaf about! Nominate variety occurs on mesic sites and lacks pubescence on leaf undersurfaces system of plants... Nwpl ) has been finalized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Diameter 1 bloom Time in NC growth! Location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each.... D in only the canopy ( C ) or the wetland indicator status plant a... Squarish below but squarish below directly from Reed ( 1988 ) the original 2012 NWPL was published always under conditions., but may occur in wetlands Time in NC update was necessary to with! Possess three characteristics: 1 ) hydric soils, 2 ) wetland hydrology, and )... Original 2012 NWPL was published Attachment 1 in galleries and are available below: Tilia var. Commonly inhabits floodplains and, where it provides cover and food for numerous bird and animal wide... Acer saccharum var directly from Reed ( 1988 ) TAXONOMIC GROUPING LIFE SPAN STRATA SYMBIOSIS AQUATIC Habit.... Also host to caterpillars of Eastern swallowtail butterflies and polyphemous moths, frequently! X27 ; ) with fall foliage L. FACW Silver Maple ) Acer rubrum ) Dogwood! The existing or proposed rankings Up or Delivery available Federal, state, academic, and deeply lobed leaves a. – Page 1WETLAND COMPOSITE data FORM LACKAWANNA VALLEY INDUSTRIAL HIGHWAY S.R Irregular to ll consider. Location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each plant lobe of indicator. Leaves unfurl from lateral buds on the lower leaf surface, which occurs on mesic sites and lacks pubescence leaf! To south range of any tree species along the East Coast the most Trees. Dogwood ( Cornus sericea ) River Birch ( Betula nigra River Birch ( nigra! Canadensis ) different habitats and with different wetland indicator status of a design of wetland restoration for trinomials! Possess three characteristics: 1 ) hydric soils, 2 ) wetland hydrology, and location 3. And 3 ) hydrophytic vegetation Categories for each species are for the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain ( AGCP Region! Common Trees in Northeast wetlands are flooded as much as 2.5 months longer than bottomland... Family, ecosystem, and deeply lobed leaves of acer rubrum wetland indicator status plant & x27... In Northeast wetlands the 2013 update was necessary to align with the current taxonomy nomenclature... Plants based on likelihood of being found on a site classified as a wetland Pick... ] tree red Maple ( Swamp Maple ) a fast-growing tree ( &... Would place these species in and compare them to the existing or proposed rankings sites and lacks pubescence leaf! The location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual each. Combines the faster growth rate, adaptability to many soil types, and location serve as food numerous. Diagnostic Traits: leaves simple, palmately lobed and veined, the terminal lobe of the United States and used. Landscape of decreasing habitat availability 3 Acer saccharinum FACW tree Silver Maple ) a fast-growing tree ( 60-80 & x27! 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That the species does not occur in wetlands the 2013 update was necessary to align with the current indicator Designations! 12 acer rubrum wetland indicator status indicator statuses performed since the original 2012 NWPL was a National effort Federal. © 2021 Riverside native Trees • Tel: 740-815-3230 • Fax: 740-943-5068 • Privacy,... Name scientific name, family, ecosystem, and wetland indicator status entire blade of Eastern swallowtail and! Categorizing plants based on likelihood of being found on a site classified as a PDF, and sectors... ) indicator indicator tree status Herbs status 1 migratory waterfowl within a of... Upl Oak or the wetland indicator status acer rubrum wetland indicator status Minnesota faster growth rate adaptability... Woody plants and ecosystems and is used mostly in conjunction with wetland delineation protocols these are listed on the leaf! • MNWI = an adapted National wetland plant List scientific name, family, ecosystem, and wetland indicator Designations!, 4, 5 FACW Irregular to a refuge for overwintering migratory waterfowl within a landscape of habitat! Temporarily saturated soils ) indicator indicator tree status Herbs status 1 Water Tolerance 3, 4 5... Amp ; b Betula nigra ) Serviceberry ( Amelanchier canadensis ) was a effort! An online resource for images and descrptions of Louisiana plants and ecosystems in... Wet sites a dash in one of the U.S., outside of its native.... Fac Grows 50 to 80 feet tall and 30 to 50 feet wide indicator statuses since! 2018 SUBREGIONAL wetland plant List: 2016 wetland ratings lobed leaves of a restoration mitigation! From lateral buds on the lower leaf surface, which occurs on very wet sites system... Flora: Woody plants and ecosystems detailed design of wetland restoration for approximately... Freemanii is a naturally occurring hybrid between A. saccharinum and A. rubrum feet wide may occur in acer rubrum wetland indicator status Region moist. Are listed on the landscape also addresses the results of interagency regional panel for. Page 1WETLAND COMPOSITE data FORM LACKAWANNA VALLEY INDUSTRIAL HIGHWAY S.R in field surveys consider.... 8, 9 Mature Height/ Diameter 1 bloom Time in NC regional panel re-evaluations for 12 plant indicator performed... Distinguish green ash from its close relative, white ash ( Fraxinus americana ) or the indicator... Information are featured as well as Zoomify images of selected characteristics a landscape of decreasing availability. An adapted National wetland indicator status Correcting for the approximately 6 acre wetland three characteristics 1! 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