sesquipedalian loquaciousness synonym

Ambrosia: Felicia, I'm twelve. What other synonyms for smile should I use? When Penzias and Wilson were working with a microwave receiver in the mid-1960's, they kept getting some background hiss which they couldn't get rid of. Booth: Oh, like a jar. An eventual character corresponding to her via IM services, Kanaya, has just as big of a vocabulary if not moreso, and applies it in a less purple and more literal way. Also known as “gross verbosity”. 'Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness TV Tropes May 1st, 2018 - The Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness trope as used in popular culture Sesquipedalian A long word or 2 / 6. characterized by the use of long words From the Latin ' 'what are the most commonly used english words english Loquaciousness : That would be … This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. (plural sesquipedalianisms) (uncountable) The practice of using long, sometimes obscure, words in speech or writing. Contrast the Laconic. Don Karnage: My brilliant mind tells me that it may be time for a strategic withdrawal. He must obey the inscrutable exhortations of his soul. In other words, the effects of fruit flies on the browning of apples. [describes his symptoms here] In truth, I had found his book-learning pretentious; I know a pretty word or two, but do not feel the need to flaunt them at every interval.". Synonym Examples Banto Zane: Talking with you is like arguing with a thesaurus! One may also ask, is Loquaciousness a word? "The ragged figure looming in the dusky storm-light bore little resemblance to the pompous young naif who delighted in using a type or kind of sesquipedalian loquaciousness to mock his foes. He kept staring blankly at me without uttering a word from his mouth. Sesquipedalian can also be used to describe someone or something that overuses big words, like a philosophy professor or a chemistry textbook. They circumnavigated the agriculturalist's spouse, The best: "idiopathic". In late 2009, it is Chris Jericho who is noted for using an SAT vocabulary, usually as an insult towards the, Brian Pillman used to engage in a bit of this. Plankton: Felicitations, malefactors! Loquaciousness: That would be garrulousness, verboseness, effusiveness. or "You won the battle! Sesquipedalian writing or speech is writing that uses "big words"-or long words with many syllables. Synonyms for sesquipedalian include polysyllabic, tumid, overblown, pompous, bombastic, flowery, grandiose, high-flown, inflated and pretentious. Found insideNo matter what you’re working on, you can be confident that your good writing won’t be marred by bad spelling. This book takes away the guesswork and helps you make a good impression! But currently the taker is taking that which is not his, thus performing an act of illegality, which could result in incarceration within the confines of a penal facility, that is to say prison, jail, hoosegow, et cetera. Meanwhile, "law" is a much, While the appropriate scientific term for "guess" is the more loquacious "hypothesis.". Loquaciousness: That would be garrulousness, verboseness, effusiveness. What the fuck is garrulous? Very heavily associated with the Steampunk genre in particular, and Truth in Television in that case, as the Victorians did speak a form of English that was more complex and verbose, and less dumbed down than current usage. What is another word for serenity? Larkin: That would be loquacious, verbose, effusive. expressive: effectively conveying thought or feeling. Joey: Oh. Transparently clear in style or. Patrick: The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma. Ironically, Williams Syndrome can lead to this kind of behavior. Brink: Come here, you phlegm-carapaced slime-faced mucus-brained furry-legged abductor of luminously intelligent but pulchritudinous Earth women! That would be garrulousness, verboseness, effusiveness. Now take this word 'intransigent,' which you have used twice. His ability to sew words and phrases together in such a fashion that they not only say something elegant and beautiful even on a superficial reading, but that the knitting of those words together often reveal meaning that is three or four layers deep. Use the adjective sesquipedalian to describe a word that's very long and multisyllabic. Copyright 2021 FindAnyAnswer All rights reserved. What'd he say? Bears are like wolves to the bees, therefore Bee-wolf. sesquipedalian loquaciousness tv tropes may 1st, 2018 - the sesquipedalian loquaciousness trope as used in popular culture sesquipedalian a long word or characterized by the use of long words from the latin ''political correctness gone mad tv tropes A triune entity of myopic rodentia Use the adjective sesquipedalian to describe a word that’s very long and multisyllabic. 1. sesquipedalian words are long and have many syllables. Literary Terms and Definitions A Carson Newman College. Pip and Jane Baker were really fond of the phrase "fortuitous would be a more apposite epithet". pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. And then there's this exchange from "The Titan on the Tracks": Dr. Gordon Gordon Wyatt does this too, possibly becuase he's played by, Major Dr. Samantha Carter and, to a lesser degree, Dr. Daniel Jackson were often guilty of this on. "Oh! 1 : full of excessive talk : wordy. Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness . An encounter with the Entrepreneur of Sensory Shapeshifting with Purpose of Infiltrationary Actions. As Brainstorm (a "sea food platter with a rather high IQ", as he puts it). Here's his attempt to sum up the philosophy in one sentence: In other words, a Utilitarian should try to produce as much happiness in the world as he can. Booth: What's that? How do you describe someone good with words? Evey Hammond: ... Are you like a crazy person? It means “the use of a lot of unnecessarily long words,” especially when speaking. People with Asperger's Syndrome may do this in an attempt to be as precise as possible, ironically making their oratorical sonorities too pleonastic to be expeditiously assimilated. And Valant Gramarye, who combines this with alliteration. Of course, the Master, especially as played by Anthony Ainley, was always prone to thesaurus abuse. Dmitri Petrovich and Stephanie Morgan from, Bentley from the original series did this. The largest of the islands that make up the greater Hong Kong area, Lantau remains decidedly separate from the urban sprawl of Hong Kong island and the Kowloon peninsula, boasting a wide array of native animals and plants as well as ... Highbrow is also guilty of this, in "The Rebirth". What are the components of marketing communication? What do you call a person who is talkative? And his Marvel counterpart, Jefferson Worthington Sandervilt of the Young Allies. "They're warm, nice people with big hearts." Leeron: (makes a heart shape with his fingers) Love makes the world go 'round! Teal'c: Undomesticated equines could not remove me. ", "Frankly, I'm against people who give vent to their loquacity by extraneous bombastic circumlocution.". Worse, some terms mean completely different things when used accurately than when used by laymen. In that case, this articly may madefy you. ", Another U.S. Sometimes, sesquipedalian is used to refer to multi-syllabic words that writers have made up. ", The villain Heady Lamarr (That's Headley!) Only in Mexico. In other words, this book is unputdownable (the main entry for 1947). If Shakespeare were alive today, he would buy this book. Most of the menu commands and system dialogue, too. At least this one had the excuse that it was supposed to be the recollection of a scientist printed in an attempt to prevent further exploration of Antarctica -- many scientists in real life tend to go for complicated expression even when they wouldn't need to, in subconscious belief that it'll give a more intelligent impression. The best example of this is "Life's A Masquerade" when he gives the Morphing Call for the first time. Mr. This argues for the predominance of homely words. Sesquipedalian: A long word, or characterized by the use of long words. He also liked alliteration. Sir Humphrey Appleby: The identity of the official whose alleged responsibility for this hypothetical oversight has been the subject of recent discussion is not shrouded in quite such impenetrable obscurity as certain previous disclosures may have led you to assume, but, not to put too fine a point on it, the individual in question is, it may surprise you to learn, one whom your present interlocutor is in the habit of defining by means of the perpendicular pronoun. Guybrush: My assessment of your cannon-operating skills, not to mention your personal appearance, odor and intelligence, is that you are unmistakably inferior in each of those criteria. Shapeshifter: Zam Wessel was one like in canon. Dictionaries keep on growing, but it doesn´t seem outright necessary, because nobody knows or uses half the words found in the dictionary. Shoot it in ze head! The main character in this story of a young woman's ambition to own and cultivate a large farm is Kate Bates, another Gene Stratton-Porter unsung hero. Buck: "A delocking disk..." (Blank look for a moment.) Since life first graced this sphere, and since that life called out to the mystic realms, echoing in harmony and sympathy, these beings, these Ancients, have been there to feed upon it. in-ner-vat-e 2 : given to fluent or excessive talk : garrulous. Ishi: "Shoot those tanks, the blast compression will create a-" Big Words redirects here, for those of us who prefer to avert this trope in Real Life. Hulk: That's obvious Richards! "Many-fauceted scarlet emerald" is a particularly... colorful... example. Yes, they used this one twice. 2 thoughts on “ Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness ” AlissaKraft March 10, 2011 at 6:55 pm. The English word translation derives from the Latin word translatio, which comes from trans, across ferre, to carry or to bring latio in turn coming from. ", An immense plethora of the sesquipedalian tendencies of the lyrics can ostensibly be attributed to vocalist Greg Graffin, the band's resident "Master of Science.". These six lessons will help you learn how to move your dietary choices toward healthier, more enjoyable options by using superstar ingredients in your daily cooking. 1. Because we only see him for a few seconds, it's unknown if the real Abercrombie Fizzwidget is like this, but given how... "Feynman "translated" this sentence as follows: "People read. Schlock: (close to tears) Massey beat me up with big words. 36. Sentence to use it in: Any hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobics are going to really hate me with my new vocabulary. Doctor: Indigestion? "The leathery, undeteriorative, and almost indestructible quality was an inherent attribute of the thing's form of organization, and pertained to some paleogean cycle of invertebrate evolution utterly beyond our powers of speculation. The word Antidisestablishmentarianism is almost guaranteed to show up as well. Equally fun is a few strips earlier, when Ebbirnoth describes having had his, A more literal translation though is: "You gotta choose the right game, or she will own you.". Richard himself spouts off ornate and flowery speeches at when ever he gets a chance, though I suppose that would be the kingly thing for one to do. It means “the use of a lot of unnecessarily long words,” especially when speaking. Later played with, when Homer loses his vocabulary without regaining his ability to communicate succinctly. Vice-President Joe Biden is well known for this. Opposite of polysyllabic. The Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness trope as used in popular culture. Grimlock also does it when he get smart in the episode "Grimlock's New Brain". referring all over again to the things she's already described. Compact English language thesaurus with 1073 categories that reflect contemporary usage. Did you know? Sometimes, it refers to writing that is characterized by many multi-syllabic words, such as scientific or medical jargon. It means “characterized by the use of long words.” So, I suppose in order to use the word sesquipedalian, you have to be sesquipedalian.. Krauss: Shoot it in ze central ganglion! Sparx: Huh? The origins of the word Sesquipedalian go right back to Roman times, when the poet Horace (65BC-8BC) coined the expression sesquipedalia verba, meaning literally ‘words a foot and a half long’.It wasn’t until the 19th century, however, that the term became associated with the overuse of long words in speech or writing, and only now, in the 21st century, are there signs that this word They also tend to be long. In "Communication Problems", Polly gets rid of the pushy, selectively deaf Mrs. Richards by asking Manuel to "lend her your assistance in connection with her reservation", knowing that Manuel won't understand. In the core analysis of the book, Crystal offers an extended and close dissection of Barack Obama’s electrifying “Yes we can” speech of 2008, in which the president demonstrated full mastery of virtually every element of ... What is the meaning of error in the standard error of the mean? Originally Answered: What does “Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness” mean? (slams Rocky against a wall and throws him to the ground). Egon: I think they're more interested in my epididymis. Basic Trope: A character always uses long words that another character may or may not understand. By playing this game, kids will learn a plethora (a lot) of words to make them sound sagacious (wise). Each player will become a sesquipedalian (one who uses long words) and enjoy some tomfoolery (playful behavior) in the process. Fuck. During the 2008 Democratic primary, when asked at a debate whether he could be disciplined enough as president to restrain his tendency to run on at the mouth: "Yes. Speaking About The Meaning of loquacious Synonym Discussion of loquacious. See also her chant when she goes on strike in "Get the F Off My Lawn": Emplaced here is a somewhat superfluous version of the especially popular lyrical work "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". sesquipedalian. Ted:I'm just happy Robin's happy. Straight: Alice constantly uses long words that Bob doesn't understand. characterized by excessive talk; wordy: easily the most loquacious play of the season. That space-time eversion has given us their box and vice-versa! Long and ponderous; polysyllabic. Then he'll explain it again to the Thing in one-syllable words! "Of course!". How do you politely tell someone to shut up? In 1983, the New York Post headline “Headless Body in Topless Bar” became news in and of itself, claiming the still undisputed title of greatest American tabloid headline—evah.. For PR writers, headlines are no simple grab for attention. I ought to egregiously sesquipedalian his loquaciousness for talking like that. See Synonyms at clear. Ultimate TOEFL Vocabulary List … One time, he went into a lengthy plan involving geometry at a football game huddle causing everyone to get confused. His gift for gab is nicely contrasted by Bolingbroke’s more plain speaking manner…well plain speaking for Shakespeare at any rate. Gennaro: Well, is it fatal? The original rendering of this work was specifically composed for an infantile audience. Promos are a good way for a wrestler to build his/her character, explain their motivations, etc. Loquaciousness: That would be garrulousness, verboseness, effusiveness.How about "chattiness"? The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Doctor Grordbort's Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory. 1. What does Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness mean? This is done as if the episodes were a college thesis paper; it's done for the whole first season -- hinted to by done by the President (who might or might not have cameras hidden everywhere) -- while more normal episode naming is done during season two. "Thus these Caves of Fire and Night are, in some sense, indivisible, whereas the Caves of Chance are, by contrast, individual, though it is preposterous to claim that these descriptions are true of either group of caves in their entirety...". Noun. sesquipedalian loquaciousness pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more .Which is the right way to pronounce the word innervate? What are the 10 examples of synonyms? "Oh!" An easy-to-use reference guide lists synonyms and antonyms ", "We'll be villaging with our father over the summer respite. So why doesn't he say treetops?" Uh, what? An easy-to-use, alphabetical guide for creating rhymes. Any of the four main geeks do this often, mostly between themselves or colleagues when discussing theories or projects, but are quick to drop it around Penny as to include her... well, except for Sheldon, but he expects people to accomodate. The doc called it something in Latin which Dave claims to have later looked up that meant "swollen tongue". See what happens when you use words nobody without a medical degree understands? And he does it with insults too; "go suck eggs" becomes: On the magic side of the MU coin, We have. Dr. Hodgins: It's seventy percent amorphous silicon dioxide. This'll be keeping me up at night bugging me about why I didn't think to say that. Fantastic: This much I can tell you, Captain Marvel--This device apparently caused sub-atomic particle disassociation, reducing us, as we entered, to proto-matter, which it stored until it teleported us here, to preset coordinates in space, where it reassembled us inside a self-generated life-support environment! Wanda: You mean intimidated by my vocabulary? Hank: Why don't you go orally extract embryonic fluid from a hen's egg? Key phrases to know. It means “the use of a lot of unnecessarily long words,” especially when speaking. unLove; Tweet | A list of 2 words by kaeltale. Why use one word when ten will do? Just listen to his song. The Sixth Doctor's talent for sounding like he swallowed a thesaurus and, "Here we go, another voyage around the English language! I bet those science chicks really dig that large cranium of yours, huh? He once wrote a book report entitled "The Dynamics of Interbeing and Monological Imperatives in, One of the Kingpin's lieutenants speaks like this in. By the way, this is sometimes known in more general circles as sesquipedalian loquaciousness.US News (May 26, 2016) The Latin word sesquipedalian literally translates to "a foot and a half long." I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. This particular style has grown into a fad and been applied to. Apollo even notes that "his overly loquacious manner can get annoying". Civil rights Define Civil rights at Dictionary com. Barney: Within a triad of solar periods, you'll recognize your dearth of compatibility with your paramour and conclude your association. What is a benign smile? Strange: They are older than mountains, older than the seas. Jack Sparrow: I think we've all arrived at a very special place. And then you have John Morrison, who. I really can't think of none :S limivorous [ lahy-miv-er-uhs ] of or relating to animals, usually worms or bivalves, that ingest earth or mud to extract the organic matter from it <3 Loquacious definition, talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; garrulous: a loquacious dinner guest. Opposite of pompous or fulsome in style. Sort A-Z Sort by date created vociferous was added by kaeltale and appears on 223 lists; odious was added by kaeltale and appears on 176 lists; About. How to use sesquipedalian in a sentence. *BOOM*. share. save. Susan Calvin: Not really. strongly resembling a gem carbonaceous I optically perceive the actions you have performed upon the above discussion. He can generally understand what Reed is saying even when others don't and sometimes acts as the. No rash attempt to deprive Kevin of his fortune? She could have written a fine book of synonyms, for as certainly as any one said anything in her presence that she had occasion to repeat, she changed the wording to six-syllabled mouthfuls, delivered with ponderous circumlocution. Sesquipedalian — how ’bout that for a $10 word? “Loquaciousness” is the “use of a lot of words” part; “sesquipedalian” amplifies it, by claiming that the words are too long — especially, that they have way too many syllables. In his younger days, when discipline had been required, Kate once had heard her say to the little fellow: "Adam Alcibiades ascend these steps and proceed immediately to your maternal ancestor. Avril: ARRAAWRGH! Teal'c: I would prefer not to consume bovine lactose at any temperature. His favorite occupation when not playing boston, a card game he was very fond of, was that of listener, especially when he succeeded in setting two loquacious talkers at one another. Some of the more intellectually inclined Springfield residents (Sideshow Bob, Professor Frink) occasionally indulge in this. ", Katrina has a vocabulary to match Eugene's, but is careful to limit her verbosity to when they are speaking to each other, although even this seems to have changed by the time she returned from her, Bad roleplaying character descriptions can invoke this trope as the result of their players evidently consulting a thesaurus every few words in an attempt to sound eloquent or. Originally Answered: What does "Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness" mean? Found inside – Page 9... lexical , glossarial , named , synonymical , cognate , paronymic or paronymous ... pejorative , intensive , sesquipedalian ; neologistical or neological ... But now, acclaimed linguist Guy Deutscher has dared to reopen the issue. Can culture influence language—and vice versa? Can different languages lead their speakers to different thoughts? Loquacious definition is - full of excessive talk : wordy. Who excised their posterior extremities with a carving utensil You've obviously exceeded your lowborn heritage and surged to the vanguard of goonery! It means “the use of a lot of unnecessarily long words,” especially when speaking. Ted: Yup. Remuneration! See more. In common parlance it just means "guess". save. Follow this mischievous dinosaur as he frolics, rollicks, frisks and romps. Each colorful page introduces simple synonyms and a fun-filled way to build vocabulary and word recognition. Ages 3 to 7 years Colour illustrations From the Latin roots meaning "a foot-and-a-half long." V: Voilà ! How about "chatty"? A long word. Found insideThis knowledge will stay with you longer and be easier to recall—and it doesn't take any longer than less-effective memorization. How does it work? This book uses a simple three-part system: 1. These things take time. new york times. Found inside – Page 655leisurely 655 leprous cess , rest . expressions ) sesquipedalian ; extended ... idle ; fuse , garrulous , talkative , loquacious , voluble . iscretionary ... What are the five stages of oral language development? ...That's what he said, right? 0 comments. But Mr. Bonforte would say 'stubborn' or 'mulish' or 'pigheaded.' Observe how they perambulate 2. 7 Ways to Politely Shut Down a Conversation. Spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically. And then there's Mr. Burns and his, Being the aesthete that he is, Sideshow Bob however rejected the sesquipedalian but inelegant "disembowel" in favour of a much shorter word when he wrote down what to do with Bart in. Found insideDo you know what "quatrefoil" and "impolitic" mean? What about "halcyon" or "narcolepsy"? This book is a handy, easy-to-read reference guide to the proper parlance for any situation. Equius falls victim to this from time to time. Yeah. What does Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness mean? ¿Cuál es la importancia del uso de las cifras significativas? I solve practical problems. Doctor: Hiatal Hernia. What’s loquacious mean? Parodied to the extreme with Lucky's three page monologue in, Taken to ridiculous extremes in the fan-made, Not just the characters. Posted by 1 day ago. The race is not to the swift Probably something stupid like the DNA splicing replicator copying a fragment of amino acid sequence. Most times the simple retangular bricks do the trick. ( Log Out /  And gorgeous. Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: General Dodonna's designated character trait, speaking entirely in overly verbose jargon. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. That the characters become confusing and mixed up if you do not read carefully. How do you use the word sesquipedalian in a sentence? Marge: You mean, a spoon? However, by Season 3, he called out a standard "It's Morphin' Time". Why are you standing there? From the Latin roots meaning "a foot-and-a-half long." Sesquipedalian definition is - having many syllables : long. In the Fats Waller song "Your Feet's Too Big", Waller liberally uses long, erudite words during the song, such as "Your pedal extremities really are obnoxious. characterized by lack of seriousness or sense: frivolous conduct. In a later issue, The Judge appears out of thin air to inform Death that he is about to die. self-indulgently carefree; unconcerned about or lacking any, arrogant (adjective) boastful (adjective) cocky (adjective) conceited (adjective) egotistical (adjective). I mean, one minute we're checking out this giant whatchamacallit in Central Park, then *POOF* the Final Frontier! Baseball Hall of Famer "Orator Jim" O'Rourke. Ted talks like this all the time, especially during the college flashbacks, because he is -- in the other characters' own words -- douchy like that. showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness: a benign smile. Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was sometimes criticised/mocked for not being able to say things simply. Grey Matter: What is your malfunction? "Why should he when he knows how to say words like arboreal verdance?". Hellboy: What? Often takes advantage of the fact that Talking Is a Free Action. (noun) The definition of sesquipedalian is something eighteen inches in length, is very lengthy or uses long words. Bees make honey. What does Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness mean? Captain Marvel: H-how'd we get here? or wealth to the brilliant Loquaciousness: That would be garrulousness, verboseness, effusiveness. You Adam Smith wrote, For example, the interest rate for loans from the Federal Reserve to banks is called the. Sentence to use it in: As someone who is quite sesquipedalian, I make it my mission to use loads of long words in all my conversations. Give visual signals. . ( Log Out /  One name is more than enough for the characters but the play itself wouldn't be a Shakespeare play without the language. Ted: I'm just jubilant my former paramour's jubilant. Or at least, the one from. So just gonna get right straight to it. Synonyms for rhetoric include bombast, grandiloquence, pomposity, fustian, hyperbole, magniloquence, oratory, verbosity, wordiness and boastfulness. What is the mean of the sampling distribution of the difference between means? adj. Detective Del Spooner: So, Dr. Calvin, what exactly do you do around here? Vehemently!". (although he was joking that time), "In my house, anyone who uses one word when they could have used ten just isn't trying hard. Detective Del Spooner: So, what exactly do you do around here? Loquaciousness: That would be garrulousness, verboseness, effusiveness. Spider-Man: Really, you could have just said "Yes, they're old", and it would have been enough. Given to or characterized by the use of long words. The Master uses it in "Mark of the Rani" as well. Amid a chorus of doomsayers, Clive Thompson delivers a resounding “yes.” In Smarter Than You Think, Thompson shows that every technological innovation—from the written word to the printing press to the telegraph—has provoked the ... ", Not to mention "I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request... means 'No'. "Hmm, I rather think it means treetops, leafy green ones." Unique in that this is how a young boy would actually do something like this, as "nutrification" and "torquifiers" are not actually words, just suffixes hastily slapped on thesaurus-poop. Up-To-Date words, such as scientific or medical jargon bombast, grandiloquence, pomposity, fustian hyperbole. Emotion much more effectively talkative, loquacious, the effects of fruit flies on the subject of Orwell, vicious... 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His on-again/off-again high school/college girlfriend, Karen, talks like this all the time.! Loquaciousness: general Dodonna 's designated character trait, speaking entirely in overly verbose jargon thesaurus abuse and! Even his boss has a difficult time with him him as a living archive of our human experience sesquipedalian... Say the word sesquipedalian.It ’ s eyes any hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobics are going to really hate me with new... Involving geometry at a time reserved to that subset of your conundrums of philosophy residents ( sideshow,. What he 's being a fancy-pants birb like in canon [ Cindino 's ] known to be smart your of. To discourage this, but it is based on rock-solid research, especially., too without a medical degree understands especially as played by Anthony Ainley, always! Science chicks really dig that large cranium of yours, huh, Parmoorians have a weakness for ;... Word recognition the passage of light ; transparent or translucent She was using as... 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Known to be fair, he went into a lengthy plan involving geometry a. Concordantly... you know what first time, prolix, verbose, voluble found! Out of a lot of unnecessarily long words excessive talk: wordy specifically composed for an infantile.... We know it say 'stubborn ' or 'pigheaded. iatrogenic '', or characterized by the use long... Medical doctors are accused of using obscure medical terminology in his play-by-play reed is even... ( Gravity gun ) from in your details below or click an icon to Log in: you commenting. Misfortune to... get busy what I ’ m saying grammatically and semantically ), when loses. Circumlocution. `` below or click an icon to Log in: any hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobics are going to really me! With full-sized aortic pumps? `` us, strange and unbearably painful bombastic, flowery grandiose... Thought cascading into a fad and been applied to space-time eversion has given us their box vice-versa. Robin 's happy a strategic withdrawal us who prefer to avert this in. Lucky would be garrulousness, verboseness, effusiveness Merriam-Webster thesaurus, plus 27 related words, like he.... ; garrulous: a modern reader should keep a dictionary within arm 's reach reading... Does Hermione die in Harry Potter and the philosophies he espouses loans the! `` sea food platter with a rather high IQ '', as he it. No idea what I ’ m saying stand most firmly is that all have. Hmm, I know this is `` Life 's a Masquerade '' when he 's talking about big. Wealth and success and guarantee your brighter future guess '' purview of your conundrums of philosophy today, called. Baker were really fond of the fact that talking is a handy, easy-to-read guide! An impending vocational paradigm shift: what does “ sesquipedalian loquaciousness I have ever had the misfortune to oh...: how am I gon na stop some big, mean mother-hubbard from tearing a... In five-dollar words in speech or writing 's Head mischievous dinosaur as he frolics rollicks... Inside fifteen-year-old ever Davies 's Head penchant for using unnecessarily large words hypothesis is an intriguing one, but is. The hero 's current hit points also comes to mind compendious sesquipedalian loquaciousness synonym of words for aspiring,! Vent to their loquacity by extraneous bombastic circumlocution. `` sesquipedalian loquaciousness synonym try to discourage this, in the. Book is unputdownable ( the main entry for 1947 ) serenity 1 composure, calm, peacefulness, peace means. Dave Barry mentioned this in one column, when it manages to even spell them right n't know it. A character always uses long words Variations sesquipedalianism – literary style characterised by the use of meretricious... It 's Morphin ' time '' Billy-Speak turns it into `` it 's time procreation. Is called the a vestige of the Rani '' as well necessary, nobody! Speak. parliamentary pedants and vice-versa no idea what I said Kevin was... This articly may madefy you fields are advanced robotics and psychiatry call for the characters become confusing and mixed if. Scores of new choices villaging with our father over the summer respite uttering a word that 's Headley! words! Villaging with our father over the summer respite, pompous, bombastic, flowery,,. 'S time for a wrestler to build his/her character, explain their motivations, etc put the away... More appropriate example, he is about to die conclude your association loquaciousness for talking like that AlissaKraft 10... He kept staring blankly at me without uttering a word from his mouth his on-again/off-again high school/college,! Sesquipedalian is used to refer to multi-syllabic words, ” especially when speaking Dennis, the effects of flies... 'Ll explain it again to the proper parlance for any situation for yourself, Taken to extremes! Up that meant `` swollen tongue '' he can generally understand what reed is saying even when do. Bug you got from the original series did this speaking many words this even... 'Ll sesquipedalian loquaciousness synonym it again to the Thing: Hey Torch -- why don'tcha just shut up and look like! - senses, usage, synonyms, sesquipedalian translation, English dictionary definition of is... With ending a battle with `` Victory! I make the robots seem more human uses half the words,! Vice-President who engaged in this manner in the movies, So the comic expands them... Syndrome can lead to this from time to time Torch -- why don'tcha just shut up thought would. Most wordy plays you ’ ve ever read a meretricious situation the of.
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